Speak Up.

The Peace Coach
1 min read6 days ago


Speak up; even when no one is listening. Especially when no one is listening.

That’s the way you change your life when you get low, because someone will hear eventually. This is a game of patience, practice, practicality and a little assertiveness while the lot of the world remains selfish. But you’ve got to keep reaching out, because the lonely grind is damning.

People will ignore you. Some will pretend, then fall through the cracks when it comes time to provide. Reaching out is a grind too, but it builds lasting bonds. This process builds community and community breeds abundance. Abundance in resources facilitates success. Just remember to pay it forward after you’ve been blessed.

None of us have to do life alone- we just choose to. We’ve all conformed to a system that gives us little time for each other so when we fall down we fall hard, and some don’t get back up. Don’t lay on the floor- speak up. Be genuine; be strategic; be generous; be grateful. And don’t give up when the going gets tough.

